Pipe jacking, also known as microtunnelling for smaller diameters
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Mechanical excavation systems, similar to those used in other tunneling methods, provide shields, excavation capabilities, and face support for a range of ground conditions, ensuring construction precision in line with standard tunneling practices. Pipe jacking offers several advantages, such as minimizing overbreak compared to segmental tunnels, delivering strong ground support, and reducing ground movement.
Shield Driven Tunnels • Chemicals • Grouting
Pipe jacking, also known as microtunnelling for smaller diameters, involves installing underground pipelines, ducts, and culverts. Hydraulic jacks push pipes through the ground behind a shield while excavation occurs within. This method yields a structurally sound, watertight pipeline as the tunnel is created, offering flexibility and efficiency.
Individual pipe jack lengths are practically limitless, although engineering and economic factors may impose restrictions. Drives of several hundred meters, either straight or curved, are achievable with various mechanical and remote control excavation systems. Construction tolerances match those of traditional tunneling methods, with less overbreak and improved ground support.
To install a pipeline using pipe jacking, thrust and reception pits are constructed at manhole positions, their dimensions tailored to specific project needs. A thrust wall provides resistance for jacking, sometimes requiring special arrangements in poor ground conditions. A thrust ring distributes jacking forces around the pipe circumference, ensuring uniform pressure, while reception pits facilitate shield removal at drive completion.
- We’re a complete pipe jacking source for the general contractor
- We’ll supply job site assistance
- You’ll enjoy a HIGHER PROFIT MARGIN on all projects
Pipe Jacking – Micro Tunneling
Microtunnelling – originally used
to describe the construction of fully
automated non man entry pipe
jacked tunnels in smaller diameters,